Yesterday, I told you about the work on the back of the knitted Simple Summer Tunic using Fibra Natura FLAX in the gorgeous dusted apricot colorway.
Now that the back is finished, I’ll start working on the front. The V-neck is a little challenging as I’ll need to keep track of my increases.
I remove the provisional cast on and transfer all the life stitches onto my working needle. I also mark the central back neck stitches.
I’ll work on the two sides of the V neckline at the same time, this way I make sure the increases are mirroring each other on the two sides of the front.
I place the center stitches for the back of the neck on a scrap yarn and place all other stitches on the needles. Each side of the V-neck is worked with a different ball of yarn.
I start working on the two sides of the front paying attention to the increases, the edge knit stitches and the checkered pattern. The work is a little more time-consuming this way, but when it’s done, the V neckline will be completed. The most important thing for this step is to count the stitches in the partial squares and make sure to not break the checkered pattern.
Once I complete all the increases, I’m ready to join the two sides. The two edge stitches of each neckline side are worked together using a cable needle. After working them together, I count the stitches on the central square making sure the number is right (22 stitches as I’m knitting the smaller size).
I cut the yarn from the left side of the front and continue knitting across all stitches. On the next right-side row, I’ll work all stitches of the central square in reversed stockinette stitch.
From now on it’s just knit and purl, alternating and working to the same length as the back using Fibra Natura FLAX in the gorgeous dusted apricot colorway.
Join me again tomorrow for the finishing touches and a final look at the finished project.