The second in a series of posts that adapts a bubble stitch blanket pattern for a yarn with a different thickness. Lion Brand Yarns Wool-Ease Thick & Quick, KNITTER’S PRIDE Mindful
knit stitch patterns
This week I’m determined to find a multicolor technique to use with Universal Yarn Bella Cash, our star yarn this week. Knitting in the stitch below just may be the answer. So as I say “Don’t call me, I’ll call you” to yesterday’s effort in Brioche knitting, today I say…
Knit up a bunch of caps in a snap with Cynthia MacDougall’s no-count cable pattern. These knitted hats use the cotton and cashmere blended Truva Universal Yarn that makes it very soft, and perfect for knitting up chemo caps. Free pattern.
Let Truva by Universal Yarn exceed your expectations! Wouldn’t a lacy design with columns of little leaves be pretty on the front of a cardigan? Give it a try and find out why Truva is truly versatile! Free pattern.
Whether you’re a beginner knitter or a confident knitter, today’s project using Truva Universal Yarn will get you in the knitting spirit. Today’s post includes a pattern for a dress scarf using two knit-purl designs. How stylish! Free pattern.