This week, we’re looking at 2 non-wool Wisdom yarns by Universal Yarn. Yesterday, I described the fiber content (what is PBT anyway?) and other attributes which make these excellent non-allergenic yarn options to wool and wool blend sock yarns. Sock knitters often complain about color pooling in variegated and dip-dyed…
non allergenic yarn
Knitting with Wisdom Yarns Naked Sock and Allegro, the non-allergenic yarns
by Charles Vothby Charles VothThis week we’ll look at 2 sister yarns by Wisdom Yarns that are truly the answer to the question, “can I make non-allergenic, non-wool socks that stay up on my legs?” Naked Sock, aptly named because it feels like you’re wearing nothing at all, and Allegro, Italian for merry and…