I know that those of us who do swatch do so because we want our finished items to knit to the size and proportion that we’re trying to achieve, and we don’t want to frog back a huge number of stitches. Some of us also swatch to practice new-to-us stitch…
finishing techniques
We’re finally ready to finish up our Top This! hats now that we’re at the end of the week. Finishing your knitted hat is the last step, and involve sewing up the top of the crown, weaving in any other loose ends of yarn, and in this case, attaching the…
We’re almost finished knitting our Top This hats this week on the KNITmuch blog! In our last post we talked about knitting in the round, which is what you’re doing most of the time when making a hat. The next step is to do the simple stitch decreases needed to…