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Rolled edgings baby pullover, soft in Fibra Natura Dona yarn

by Charles Voth

I have had so much fun knitting with Dona yarn by Fibra Natura this week. I sort of ran out of time to finish the three projects, but I hope that with the complete patterns available, you’ll knit either a pair of baby booties from my post about creative shapinga baby blanket from yesterday’s post, or today’s little pullover sweater.

Just a few more rounds and this sweater won’t be a crop-top pull-over.

I loved a rolled stockinette stitch edging. It’s easy to do, it looks modern, and it’s stretchy. I’m sorry that I ran out of time to knit the whole sweater before the photo-shoot, but I think that this gives you a great idea of how cute this top-down circular yoke sweater will work up. Any colors of Dona yarn will work, but this Sweetpea pink is the perfect complement to the white and gray.

finished measurements

  • to fit size 3 to 6 months with options for 6 to 12 months
  • head circumference 16½” [42cm] but include some negative ease 15½” [39cm]
  • chest finished measurement 19¼” [49cm]
  • upper arm measurement: 6¾” [17cm]
  • yoke depth 3½” [9.3cm]

Glacier Gray, Vanilla White, and Sweetpea Pink, the softest color combination for this cute pullover.

Rolled Edges Baby Sweater Pattern


  • 1 ball Fibra Natura Dona yarn each Glacier (gray), Vanilla (white), and Sweetpea (pink)
  • US 3, 5, and 6 [3, 3.75, and 4mm respectively] dpns or circular needle with cable long enough to work magic loop technique in sizes
  • 2 stitch holders, or fine cotton yarn to keep stitches for sleeves on hold after completing the yoke
  • stitch markers


  • K: knit
  • P: purl
  • rem: remaining
  • st(s): stitch(es)
  • Ellt st: Insert RH needle into right leg below next st and lift onto LH needle, knit into lifted strand and slip from LH needle. Yarn over, insert RH needle under front leg of first st on LH needle and bringing 2nd st through, knit into 2nd st, sliding both loops off LH needle. 3 sts made out of 2
  • K2tog: knit 2 together through front loop
  • tbl: through back loop
  • M1 or m1 (make 1 increase): insert RH needle under horizontal strand between needle tips and lift onto LH needle; knit into the back loop to twist
  • SSK: slip each of next 2 sts on LH needle knitwise one at a time. Return both together to LH needle, knit together both through back loops

With size US 6 [4mm] needles and Sweatpea (pink) yarn, cast on 88 sts. Being careful not to twist, join to knit in the round.

Change to size US 5 [3.75mm] needles and k 2 rounds. Change to size US 3 [3mm] needles and k 4 rounds. Change to size US 5 [3.75mm] needles and k 1 round.

Increase round: K4, [m1, k8] x 7, m1, k4—96 sts

K 2 more rounds.

Yoke Pattern Begins

Round 1: Change to Vanilla (white) yarn, k around.

Round 2: (increase round) [K8, m1] around—108 sts

Round 3: K3, [Eltt st, k6] x 12, Eltt st, k rem sts—121 sts

Round 4: K2, [k2tog, p1, k6] x 12, k2tog, p1, k rem sts—108 sts

Round 5: K2, [k1tbl, k7] x 12, k1tbl, k rem sts

Round 6: K1, [m1, k9] x 11, m1, k rem sts—120 sts

Rounds 7 and 8: K.

Round 9: [M1, k12] x 10—130 sts

Round 10: [Eltt st, k8] x 12, Eltt st, k7, (the last st is needed for the beginning of the next round)—143 sts

Round 11: [K2tog, p1, k8] x 12, k2tog, p1, k7—130 sts

Round 12: [K16, m1] x 8, k rem sts–138 sts

Round 13: Change to gray, k around.

Rounds 14-16: K.

Round 17: [K13, m1] x 10, k rem sts—148 sts

Round 18: [k5, Eltt st, k4] x 13, k rem sts—161 sts

Round 19: [k4, k2tog, p1, k5] x 13, k rem sts—148 sts

Round 20: [K4, k1tbl, k6] x 13, k rem sts

Rounds 21 US 5 22: K around.

Round 23: K7, m1, [k14, m1] x 8, k rem sts—158 sts

Rounds 24-26: K around.

Divide for sleeves and body

Dividing Row: [K48, knit cast on 9 sts, place next 31 sts on a stitch holder] x 2, prepare to join to body stitches to continue in the round—114 sts for body.


K 2 rounds in gray.

Change to pink and k 4 rounds.

Change to white and k to within ½” [1.5cm] of desired length.

Change to pink and knit 6 rounds. Bind off with size US 6 [4mm] needles and allow hem to roll up.


With gray, join yarn in center of 9 cast-on stitches at under arm and pick up and k 5 sts across, return 31 sts on holder to needle(s) and k around, pick up and k 4 sts across rem underarm stitches—40 sts.

Rnd 1: Place marker to indicate beginning of round. K4, ssk, k to last 6 sts, k2tog, k4–38 sts

Rnd 2: K around.

Rnd 3: K4, ssk, k to last 6 sts, k2tog, k4—36 sts

Rnd 4: K around

Rnds 5 and 6: Alternating, repeat rounds 3 and 4—34 sts

Rnds 7-10: With pink, k around.

Short Sleeve Option: With size US 6 [4mm] needles, bind off and allow cuff to roll up.

Long Sleeve Option: Change to white, and k rounds to within ½” [1.5cm] of desired length. Finish as for Body.

A little shaping under the arm for a wee little gusset. A cute finishing touch.

6-12 month option

With gray, continue working yoke 6 more rounds than indicated above, working 8 increases evenly around in the 4th of those rounds—166 sts total

Divide for body and sleeve as follows: [K 51, knit cast on 9 sts, place next 32 sts on a stitch holder] x 2, prepare to join to body stitches to continue in the round—120 sts for body.

The sleeves will have 41 sts before the decreases are worked and 35 sts after.

“Sweet” is the best descriptor for this yarn and this little sweater for your little sweetpea.

Thanks for spending time with me and Fibra Natura Dona yarn. I hope you’ll try one of the 3 patterns I’ve shared with you this week, or at least try this yarn for your favorite DK weight pattern.

This is part 5 of 5 in this series.
Go back to part 4: Striped Ridges Baby Blanket Pattern


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