The best way to keep your tea warm Today we’re going to help dress an iconic symbol of holiday cheer, cold weather and children’s songs everywhere; you guessed it, a teapot! Hot drinks are something I have always associated with the weather turning and the holidays coming up. Not just …
Decorating your home with yarn! Holiday garlands have been an essential part of seasonal decorating for a very long time. They were originally fashioned out of flowers and leaves, so why wouldn’t we try fur? This garland is made out of Red Heart’s Boutique Sashay Fringe yarn. When we talked …
The pattern for a beard With Halloween coming up, I thought a knitted hat with a beard would be an excellent pattern to both protect you from the elements and add to a costume. This is a hat, just like the pattern provided last month, with a beard attachment. I …
Are you Pairing Yarn and Project the Wrong Way? Last month, during the yarn review of Red Heart’s Boutique yarns Twilight and Infinity, I touched upon not using very colorful yarn for a project with an intense stitch pattern. This is a small part of a much larger iceberg that …
Would You Like Fur with That? Today I am going to be talking about two Red Heart Boutique yarns, Sashay Fringe and Fur. These two yarns might look similar at first glance, but they could not be more different. It surprises me every time how much different two similar things …