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Be Hallowe’en ready with our knitted trick-or-treat bag

by Cynthia MacDougall

In yesterday’s post we began to knit a trick-or-treat bag using Red Heart’s Chunky Soft and Reflective yarns. Now that the base is complete, I’m going to wrap up our series with the knitted sides and handles for our project.

An orange jack-o-lantern bag with a plastic lining sitting on a table with a dark backdrop.

Cynthia’s trick-or-treat bag

The project is knitted in the round, and the face appears on both sides, so for 10 rounds of the chart for the face of the jack-o-lantern, we’ll be doing intarsia in the round.

Working intarsia in the round isn’t true “in the round” knitting: in order for the yarn to be in the correct location to work the next “round”, you need to come back along as you would in back-and-forth knitting. To avoid having seams where we do the intarsia, we need to link the rows of knitting together where the ends meet. This 4-minute video shows you how to work the ends of the rows.

intarsia in the round

Blogger Cynthia MacDougall shows the steps to take to work intarsia knitting “in the round”

Directions – sides

Round 1: with orange yarn, (m1, k8) around (72 sts)
Rounds 2, 3, and 4: k around
Round 5: (m1, k9) around (80 sts)
Rounds 6, 7 and 8: k around
Round 9: k12, m1, pm, k16, pm, m1, k24, m1, pm, k16, pm, m1, k12. (84 sts)

Markers denote the chart areas; the chart is worked twice on each round. Slip markers as needed. Chart may be worked in color stranding or intarsia, as desired. To work intarsia, wind small bobbins or make butterflies – 4 with ¾ yd [.7m] black for each eye, 2 with 5 yds [4.5m] and 2 with 1 yd [.9m] for each mouth, and 4 lengths of orange 1 yd. [.9m] to work teeth and between the eyes.

Rounds 1-7 and 14-16 of the chart are best worked with the intarsia-in-the-round technique. The other rounds can be worked circular style, as they are solid color rounds.

A chart in black and white of a jack-o-lantern face

Our jack-o-lantern has a chipped tooth!

Round 10: k13, work chart, k26, work chart, k13, wt
Rounds 11, 13, and 15: p13, work chart, p26, work chart, p12, lift wrap from next st and ptog with the last st of the round, wt
Rounds 12 and 14: k13, work chart, k26, work chart, k13, lift wrap from next st and ktog with the last st of the round, wt
Round 16: k13, m1, work chart, m1, k26, m1, work chart, m1, k13, lift wrap from next st and ktog with the last st of the round. Do not turn – the 2 rem black sts for mouth in the next round can be worked from the rem black yarn. (88 sts)
Round 17: k14, work chart, k28, work chart, k14
Rounds 18-20 (rounds 9-11 of chart): with orange, k around
Round 21: with orange, k14, m1, slm, k16, slm, m1, k28, m1,slm, k16, slm. m1, k14 (92 sts)
Round 22: k around
Rounds 23: k15, work chart, k30, work chart, k15, wt
Round 24: p15, work chart, p30, work chart, p14, lift wrap from next st and ptog with the last st of the round, wt
Round 25 (remove all markers in this round except for the round marker): k15, work chart, k30, work chart, k14, lift wrap from next st and ktog with the last st of the round. Do not turn – the 1 rem black st for each eye in the next round can be worked from the rem black yarn

Knit in rounds with orange until work measures 7 1/2″/ 19cm from orange garter ridge at base.
Shape top
Side 1, row 1: k17, cast of 12, k34, cast off 12, k17, remove round marker, k17. Turn work. Put the 34 sts between the cast off sts onto a holder, if desired.
Row 2: sl1wyif, cast off 2 sts, p to end, turn. (32 sts)
Row 3: sl1wyib, cast off 2 sts, k to end, turn (30 sts)
Rows 4-7: repeat rows 2 and 3 (22 sts)
Row 8: rep row 2 (20 sts)
Row 9: sl1wyib, cast off 2 sts, sl last cast off st back to left needle, k2tog across. (9 sts) Break orange yarn.
Side 2: sl sts from holder onto needle.  With WS facing and orange yarn, work rows 2-9 as given for Side 1.
With WS facing, join black yarn and p 1 row. If a less stretchy handle is desired, switch to a needle 2 sizes smaller.
Row 1: (k1, p1) 4 times, k1
Row 2: (p1, k1) 4 times, p1
Rep these two rows until handle is desired length. (The sample handle is 11″ [28cm] long.) End with a Row 2.
Put handle across opening, being careful not to twist it, and align the right side of the handle sts to the rem orange bag sts (see photo). With black yarn, p1 st from handle with 1 st of bag. Rep to end, turn.

Handle of bag laid across top opening, folded so that the right side of the handle and the right side of the bag are facing each other.

Placement of handle across the top of bag to join the two together

Black handle stitches on the back needle, with orange bag stitches on the front needle, and the right hand needle inserted purlwise into one stitch from each part on the other two needles.

Purling 1 handle stitch with 1 bag stitch.

Cast off sts. Break black yarn and draw through loop.

Weave in all ends, slip pail into bag.
There you have it. A simple trick-or-treat bag that holds not only good candy for the wee-ones, but a lot of possibility for learning and exploring useful knitting techniques! Happy Hallowe’en.

This is part 5 of 5 in this series.
Go back to part 4: A spider web base for a knitted trick or treat bag


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