This week I’m enjoying the task of reviewing Revolutions by Universal Yarn. In the last couple of posts, I took you through a tour of each colorway and I recommended 4 tips for knitting fuzzy yarn. Are you starting to love fuzzy and cozy yarn? It’s a good time to look…
Simple arithmetic makes an adventure out of an Asymmetrical Shawl
by Charles Vothby Charles VothThis week we’re looking at Revolutions yarn. This is a gradual gradient fuzzy and chunky yarn that lends itself readily to being knit into a lovely asymmetric shawl with softly transitioning colors. A little arithmetic and a few easy knitting skills and you’ll be able to knit a shawl that will generously…
This week’s yarn is colorful, fuzzy Revolutions by Universal Yarn. Yesterday, we looked at all of the 8 colorways available for this yarn. While knitting swatches and a shawl with this wool, alpaca, mohair, and acrylic blend, I came up with 4 tips to help knitters who have avoided fuzzy yarns become…
Revolutions, a yarn that fades one gorgeous color into another
by Charles Vothby Charles VothThis week I’m knitting with a fuzzy yarn from Universal Yarn called Revolutions. It’s a bulky weight yarn that consists of 4 or 5 colors that transition or fade from one into the other. Yesterday, we looked at its fiber composition. Today, I’d like to show you each wheel of Revolutions close…
Revolutions: A trendy gradient yarn meets luxurious winter coziness
by Charles Vothby Charles VothThis week we’ll be exploring the luscious softness and delicate gradations of color in a new-to-the-market cozy gradient yarn called Revolutions, by Universal Yarn. Currently available as a pre-order on their site. Revolutions is a beautiful yarn that is surrounded by a light halo, created by fibers that are spun…