rozetti cotton gold

Knitting Rozetti Cotton Gold with another yarn

In this series of posts, we’re testing Universal Yarn’s Rozetti Cotton Gold, a fine yarn with sequins (or payettes) spaced evenly apart. Monday’s post addressed step 1 – the yarn attributes, and yesterday’s post described step 2 — what I call a “benchmark sample”, where you take the manufacturer’s recommended…

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Knit a benchmark sample using Rozetti Cotton Gold yarn

This week we’re making discoveries with Universal Yarn’s Rozetti Cotton Gold yarn. Now that we have examined the structure of the yarn, it’s time to start sampling. The next three days (including today) will each have a sample that will hopefully jumpstart your creativity. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post,…

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Knit a glamorous evening bag from scrap yarn

This week we’ve been making projects from yarn scraps from the blogs we did in 2016 with Universal Yarn. I’ve saved the best — and scrappiest — project for last. So far this week, we’ve made a Cowl by Chance, learned to adjust a pattern for a different weight of…

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