universal yarns

Make a splash with Cotton Supreme Yarn

This is one of the variations on a theme that Universal Yarn Inc. has developed with their soft and light Cotton Supreme worsted weight yarn. It’s a tonal application of dye that is painted onto the yarn after it has been spun. Once knit up, it produces a beautiful speckled…

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Knitting for kids with Cotton Supreme yarn

I’m probably dating myself, but do you remember when blue jeans were stitched with this coppery orange thread? Was that the ’70s and ’80s? None of my jeans now seem to have that look. So I decided after looking at the 48 colors of Cotton Supreme by Universal Yarn, that…

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Uptown Worsted: a new yarn to try

If you’re a knitter like me, you never pass up the chance to try out new yarns. It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut sometimes, and having a new yarn to play with can make all the difference. This week on KNITmuch, we’re exploring the new Uptown Worsted…

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