In looking over the previous articles I have written about Red Heart’s Scrubby yarn, I realized I had not gone over the most utilitarian of patterns. The pattern for the Simple Knit Dishcloth is easy to knit, perfect for beginners.
If you have never knitted with Scrubby Cotton (or the original Scrubby yarn) this is the perfect place to start. There are no complicated stitches or patterns to remember, you just knit every row. The pattern itself is four sentences. While you might be up for a more challenging pattern, I mentioned yesterday that this yarn doesn’t flow the same way regular yarn does. This is a nice short and sweet pattern to really get the feel of Scrubby Cotton in your fingers.
Scrubby Cotton in Loofa, Coral, and Lemony.
Adding a little pizazz to this pattern is really easy. You can take a plain cotton yarn like Creme de la Creme and hold one strand of regular cotton yarn with one strand of Scrubby Cotton yarn. The only thing you would have to worry about with holding two yarns together would be gauge, but ending up with a slightly larger dishcloth wouldn’t be the end of the world. I would suggest going up a needle size or two so you’re able to accommodate the extra thickness. This will give you a lovely plush dishcloth.
This is a picture from an article I wrote about mixing cotton with Scrubby Sparkle for facial scrubbies. You can see the idea here about picking complementing colors with your two yarns if you’re not able to pick exactly the same color. This picture helps to imagine what that thick plush scrubby would like!
You’re also able to grab some Scrubby Sparkle and hold those two together. Having knit with Scrubby Sparkle before I would suggest only going up one needle size, if you’re going to increase needle size at all. The yarn weight is set at medium, but I found when I carried it together with original Scrubby yarn, I didn’t have to go up a needle size. Scrubby Sparkle is perfect to add a little something extra to Scrubby Cotton. Now the colors they come in are not quite the same. Scrubby Sparkle colors are more vibrant, so I would advise picking a coordinating color instead of trying to seamlessly blend them into one another. You could also just accent your Scrubby Cotton dishcloth by adding a boarder of Scrubby Sparkle. This would make it so adorable!
You can see the fiber construction here, the two strands of Scrubby Sparkle are lighter than the original Scrubby.
With Red Heart’s Scrubby Cotton, Scrubby, and Scrubby Sparkle you’re not going to run short of creative ideas this Spring. You can even add on to some old dishcloths that need a little bit of a face-lift. Just because a dishcloth pattern is simple, doesn’t mean it must look like it was. Join me tomorrow for more Scrubby fun!
This is part 2 of 5 in this series.
Go back to part 1: The benefits and qualities of the NEW Scrubby Cotton yarn
Go to part 3: What amazing cleaning tool do you get when you cross Scrubby yarn and slippers?