Double strands of yarn keep your feet warm and cozy [FREE knitting pattern]

This week I’m knitting with Lion Brand Two of Wands Color Theory. This medium-weight acrylic yarn offers an array of colors that work together harmoniously and make for easy-care garments and accessories for the whole family.

Yesterday, I made a button-up cowl with Color Theory in Amethyst, which will keep my neck nice and warm. Today, I’m looking after my feet by knitting a traditional favorite, Grannie slippers, using 2  strands of Color Theory in Amethyst and Admiral, held together.

Lion Brand Color Theory in Amethyst and Admiral are my color choices for this project.

When I say traditional, I mean these slippers have been passed down from generation to generation. My grandmother made them for us, hence Grannie slippers. You can find free patterns on Ravelry from others who refer to them as Grandma Slippers or Aunt Maggie Slippers. Everyone refers to them as the person who made and gifted them to the family.

I remember that as a child, my mother taught me how to make them as a way to teach me how to knit from a pattern. She carefully hand-wrote the pattern out from a pair that my grandmother had made and used it as a way for me to learn the purl, knit 2 together, and seaming stitches. This was after graduating from the introductory garter stitch scarf.

My mother and grandmother have long since passed, but these slippers remain a family favorite. Only now, they’re referred to as Aunt Cindy slippers, except by my brother who still calls them Grannie slippers, as do I.

The traditional method is to knit them flat, then seam up the heel and top of the toe stitches. Most patterns still make them that way, but I’ve adapted the pattern to be seamless. This version is a little more advanced as it uses Judy’s Magic Cast On to start, then increases the heel stitches over a few rows making the heel seamless and molded to the shape of one’s foot. Judy’s Magic Cast On was introduced to the knitting world by Judy Becker, which is commonly used when making toe-up socks, however, it can be used for other purposes as well. If you’re unfamiliar with this cast on, merely type Judy’s Magic Cast On in your browser search and you’ll be presented with a wealth of tutorials and videos that demonstrate this technique.

This pattern uses 2 strands of Color Theory held together which makes for a really cushy slipper. I suggest you make the first pair for yourself so you can judge when to change from the garter stitch section to the ribbed toe section. The pattern is designed for 2 sizes S/M, and L. They are very stretchy and the pattern is easily adaptable in size by increasing or decreasing the number of stitches.

 Finished size

The finished length of the foot should be approximately 1 – 1½” smaller than the recipient’s foot. 


K – Knit

P – Purl

Sl – Slip the 1st stitch purl-wise (remember to move the yarn to the back between the needles)

St(s) – stitch(es)

Kfb – Knit into the front and back of the stitch (increase)

K2tog – Knit 2 sts together

SSK – Slip, Slip, then knit the 2 slipped sts together

RS – Right side row

WS – Wrong side row


  • 1 – 3.5oz [100g] ball of Lion Brand Color Theory in Amethyst
  • 1 – 3.5oz [100g] ball of Lion Brand Color Theory in Admiral
  • US 9 [5.5mm] knitting needles, 32” circular for Magic Loop or double pointed
  • tapestry needle


Using Judy’s Magic Cast On, cast on 25(29) stitches. You should have one more stitch on one needle versus the other. The pattern is written with the extra stitch on the 1st needle that will be worked. At this point, they are not worked in the round but rather back and forth across the 2 needles.

Knitting the heel and foot stitches using the Magic Loop method flat.


1st WS Row: K10(12), P1, K3(3), P1, K10(12).

If using dpns, you can now divide the sts onto 3 needles as follows:

Needle 1 – 10(12) left side stitches.

Needle 2 – 5(5) bottom stitches.

Needle 3 – 10(12) right side stitches.

If using a Magic Loop, the bottom stitches will be divided between the two sides. For either method, be sure to work back and forth as if you were working flat, and do not join in the round.

Row 2: Sl1, K10(12), Kfb, Kfb, K12(14) (27, 29 sts).

Row 3: Sl1, K9(11), P1, K5(5), P1, K10(12).

Row 4: Sl1, K10(12), Kfb, K2, Kfb, K12(14) (29, 31 sts).

Row 5: Sl1, K9(11), P1, K7, P1, K10(12).

Row 6: Sl1, K10(12), Kfb (0,1) times, K7(4), Kfb (0,1) times, K11(14) (29, 35 sts).

Row 7: Sl1, K9(11), P1, K7(9) P1, K10(12).

Row 8: Sl1, knit to end of row.

Repeat Rows 7 and 8 until work measures approximately 3 – 4” less than desired length (should measure to just below the ball of the foot) ending with a WS row.

Join in the round with RS facing.

Knit 1st stitch, then take the last stitch from the previous row and pass it over the stitch just worked. You will now have an even number of stitches on your needles and are now working in the round (28, 34 sts).

1st Round: Purl to 1st bottom K stitch, K1, Purl to 2nd bottom Knit stitch, K1, Purl to end of round.

2nd Round: Knit.


Work in 1×1 Rib (K1, P1) until work measures approximately 1” less than desired length.

1st Dec Round: (K1, P1) 2 times, SSK, (K1, P1) 1[2 times], K1, K2tog, (P1, K1) 2[3 times], P1, SSK, (K1, P1) 2 [3 times] K2tog, (K1, P1) 2 times (4 sts decreased [24, 30 sts]).

Work stitches on the next 3 rows as they appear (Knit the knits and Purl the purls).

2nd Dec Row: (K1, P1) 2 times, SSK, P1, (K1, P1) 0[1 time], K2tog, (P1, K1) 2[3 times], P1, SSK, P1, (K1, P1) 1[2 times] K2tog, P1, (K1, P1) (4 sts decreased [20, 26 sts]).

Work 1 round in 1×1 Rib.

Last Round: K2tog to end of round (10, 13 sts).


Cut the yarn and draw through the toe stitches twice and secure.

The finished slippers using 2 strands of Color Theory

Top and bottom view of the slippers reveal the seamless heel and toe, and the heel increases make for a perfectly molded heel.

They’re a perfect fit for me and very comfortable. Best of all, they can be thrown into the washer and dryer to clean them up.

Just one note, these slippers are great for sliding on the floor. My mother used to laugh and say that she didn’t need to dust the floors when we wore our slippers. There are various products available to make the sole non slippery. Just search for knit slippers non slip in your browser search.

My neck is wrapped in warmth and my feet are comfy and cozy. Tomorrow, I’ll take care of another body part that could use some comfort as well. I hope you join me as I use double strands of Lion Brand Color Theory once again to make a cushy sit-upon.

This is part 4 of 5 in this series

Go back to part 3: A button-up cowl is stylish and versatile: Knitting for chilly weather

Go to part 5: Mosaic knitting: Using two colors of yarn to knit a comfy sit-upon (EASY)

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