Knitting with Rozetti Cotton Gold yarn

When I was a young girl, I followed in my mother’s footsteps and had several penpals. It was an exciting day when the mail arrived and there was something for me! When I grew up, the mail became much less exciting, because most of the mail for me was bills! These days, on-line shopping and blogging means that I occasionally get that “penpal feeling” again.

That’s what happened when I was asked to blog this week for KNITmuch. All I knew was that the yarn was going to be one of Universal Yarn’s products.

I wonder what’s inside this box!

My last two blogging experiences were with acrylic yarn, so I was a little excited to see the slip in my mailbox that indicated there was a parcel waiting for me. What would it be? Soft, scooshy wool? Crisp cotton or linen? Something cool and novel?

I’ll be honest, I was not expecting Rozetti Cotton Gold! I cracked open that box and found this:

Ooh, shiny! Cotton Gold is twinkly!

WOW! Now what?

One of my knitting passions is lace knitting, so that was the first thing to cross my mind. I went to the Universal Yarn website and found the lacy shawl I expected to find, as well as a sweater that was made with Cotton Gold and another Universal Yarn, Amphora. I didn’t have Amphora, but I did have some fine, soft laceweight wool yarn.

The Phantom Shawl (left) and Amphora sweater (right). The shawl takes only 3 balls of yarn! Both patterns are offered free on the Universal Yarn website.

Cotton Gold comes in 10 colors, perfect for bringing bling to your project. I received colors 1100 (blue with sapphire payettes) and 1096 (pale gray with holographic payettes) to sample. The three balls of the gray is enough to make either of the two free shawl patterns on the Universal Yarn website.

Sequins are placed very evenly at 3″ [7.5cm] intervals. They are “trapped” in one of the 3 cotton strands, before a strand of glitter is wrapped around the cottony core.

Dramatic lighting highlights the sparkle of Rozetti Cotton Gold.

By combining the Cotton Gold with the laceweight yarn, I could make a heavier-weight lace. Pop back tomorrow and see what “trouble” I get into.

This is part 1 of 5 in this series.

Go to part 2: 4 steps to the art of swatching and sampling yarn

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