Soft and cozy arm warmers complete the Merino Mist winter wear trio

This week, I’m knitting with Rozetti Yarns Merino Mist, which sports a shimmer that’s sure to brighten up a dreary winter’s day.

Knitting it with the feather-light Rozetti Yarns Merino Mist in Night and Rain Cloud colorways.

Yesterday, I made a long cowl using two-color Brioche to complete the Jay Sweater made previously. Today I’m making a pair of forearm warmers to keep the winter chill from blowing up the sleeves of my overcoat. What inspired this project was the Jay Sweater, which is designed to have ¾ length sleeves. I don’t wear ¾ length sleeves in the winter because my arms get cold. I like wearing plaid shirts over T-shirts, but seldom do because again, my arms get cold. Solution – make forearm warmers to keep out the chill, yet are easily removable when indoors.

Also, I’m anxious to use Thunder which combines the shimmer of Rain Cloud with the subtly of Night. Originally, I contemplated using Rain Cloud and Thunder together on the Jay Sweater, but was concerned it would look like a disco ball. I think my instincts were right. It would have been overkill on the shimmer.

Merino Mist Thunder combines the sheen of Rain Cloud with the subtle haze of Night

This is a very easy project that you whip up while watching TV. I opted to use one of my favorite sock patterns – a waffle stitch. To begin, you’ll need a US 6 [4.0mm] 32” circular needle for Magic Loop or 4 dpns, and one ball of Merino Mist Thunder.

Loosely cast on 40 stitches. There are a number of loose cast on methods, e.g., Cable Cast On, Rib Cast On, etc. I tend to use a long tail cast on but alternate the yarn around my thumb to create Knit and Purl stitches for ribbing. I thought perhaps this was a Rib Cast on, but have since learned that it’s a little different, but accomplishes the same thing.

Illustration of how to alternate the yarn around your thumb and index finger to make knit and purl cast on using the Long Tail method.

The sleeves start and end with a 2 x 2 rib, so cast on 2 knit-wise, then 2 purl-wise. This creates a stretchy cast on which is great for socks.

You can adjust the size by casting on less or more stitches in multiples of 4.

Join in the round, being careful not to twist your stitches.

Rib Rows 1 – 6: *K2, P2, repeat from *.

Pattern Rows

Rows 1 & 2: Knit.

Rows 3 & 4: *K2, P2, repeat from *.

Repeat rows 1 – 4 until desired length and end with Rows 1 & 2.

Rib Rows 1 – 6: *K2, P2, repeat from *.

Cast off loosely. There are a number of methods to cast off loosely, but I used a US 7 [4.5mm] needle to cast off my stitches, which also gives you a loose cast off.

I like my sleeves to be long; i.e., from just below my elbow to covering my wrist completely and the base of my hand, but you can make them any length you like.

I like my sleeves to be long to cover the base of my thumb.

I can wear them over gloves, and even scrunch them up.

Now I can wear ¾ length sleeves along with my Forearm Sleeves to ward off winter’s chill. I can still wear my gloves under them, or scrunch them up.

My ensemble is complete with my dazzling Jay Sweater, Brioche Cowl, and Forearm Sleeves, all made with Rozetti Yarns Merino Mist. With the 10 colors available in Merino Mist, you’re sure to put some dazzle in your razzle.

The completed ensemble of Jay Sweater, Brioche Cowl, and Forearm Sleeves, all made with Merino Mist.

Happy New Year and Happy Knitting!

This is part 5 of 5 in this series.
Go back to part 4: Making a simple cowl glamorous using Merino Mist yarn

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