cynthia macdougall

Knitting with Rozetti Cotton Gold yarn

When I was a young girl, I followed in my mother’s footsteps and had several penpals. It was an exciting day when the mail arrived and there was something for me! When I grew up, the mail became much less exciting, because most of the mail for me was bills!…

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A spider web base for a knitted trick or treat bag

The last two days’ posts have been devoted to learning cast ons for circular knitting and different ways of forming our circles. Today, we’re going to use our Red Heart yarns to make our trick-or-treat bag. This project is designed to be small enough for the average-aged trick-or-treater. It’s small…

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3 formations for knitted circles

Our journey this week is a knitted trick-or-treat bag using Red Heart Reflective yarn to keep your ghosts and goblins safe on Hallowe’en. Yesterday we began with three cast ons to get the base of our jack-o-lantern pail onto the needles. Today, we’re going to look at increasing the number…

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3 cast ons for knitted circles

Yesterday we explored the qualities and project possibilities of Red Heart’s Reflective yarn. Today, we’re going to work toward our project of a knitted trick-or-treat bag knitted from the bottom up. My demonstrations are going to be done with a plain yarn, because the project begins with a flat circle…

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