
Knitting with Branson yarn

There are several patterns available for the Branson yarn which highlights this thicker weight of yarn. Let’s go over these scarf, throw pillow and sweater patterns and see what it’s like knitting with Branson yarn. The Mirrored Cables Scarf is the first project that drew my attention because a scarf…

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Branson, Downton Abbey inspired yarn

A most versatile yarn Branson is the next yarn in the line up; a thicker yarn that comes in quite a few manly colors. In the show, Branson and Lady Sybil are married, so it seemed very fitting that these two yarns should be under the spot light together this…

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Making a swatch with Lady Sybil yarn

Yesterday we looked at the benefits of knitting with Lady Sybil yarn. Making a swatch with Lady Sybil yarn is important, as it is with every new yarn you come across. The acrylic in this blend ensures the fabric wouldn’t stretch once you’ve knit your garment. Pure mohair has a…

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The benefits of knitting with Lady Sybil yarn

Ladies First This week we have the second installment of the thrilling Downton Abbey Yarn Collection by Premier Yarns, new this year! It’s actually a husband and wife character theme, Lady Sybil and Branson. Ladies always first, so we’ll start with the benefits of knitting with Lady Sybil yarn. Lady…

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