There are a myriad of things you can make with cotton yarn, but one of the most common things to make with it are washcloths. I mentioned briefly yesterday that I always suggest Red Heart’s Creme de la Creme to my knitting students for making dishcloths. It comes in a lot of colors so everyone’s bound to fall immediately in love with at least one.
Scrub scrub scrub, dishcloths in a tub!
My personal favorite about knitting cotton dishcloths is, of course, machine washable and dry-able. You could have dishcloths for any number of things in your house and just throw them in the wash. I did mention briefly in my articles about Scrubby yarn, that I color code my dishcloths so that I’m not using the same cloth for washing your face that you once used for cleaning the tub.
I always use blue for kitchen dishes use!
If you’re looking at starting a new project and want to try out the stitch pattern before-hand Creme de la Creme makes a great testing place. Even though it probably isn’t the same yarn, you’re still able to get a feel of the pattern itself while knitting it. When I’m picking out a project with a stitch pattern, I generally attempt to find the ones that are easy for both my mind and my hands to remember. If I don’t have the “mental bandwidth” to go through a really complicated pattern, I choose something I can just sit and knit while watching TV. This way of testing let’s you try out your stitch pattern and end up with an interesting little dishcloth.
My attempt at making up a stitch pattern. It looks interesting, even though I’m sure someone else has already imagined it. Stitch pattern books for the win!
Dishcloths are a great small gift so they’re something I always keep in my gift stash (see my blog post from February 17, 2016). I stash a small collection of gifts already knitted and on-hand in case of an emergency gift-giving situation. When your friend, colleague, family member makes plans and you just remembered that it was their birthday and you didn’t manage to get a small gift, a card, or anything, just pop a couple of these into a bag with a nice hand written note. Make it even more special by adding a bottle of soap in a small basket or add a soap dish. Then these little but highly effective gifts are ready to go at a moment’s notice.
Daisy dishcloth in the lovely Wood Violet color again
Last but not least, handmade dishcloths are a great eco-friendly alternative to sponges or disposable cloths. With Red Heart’s Creme de la Creme yarn, we can knit them up and use them again and again until they disintegrate, and, given the strength of cotton, that could be quite some time.