This was my first time seeing Scrubby, the NEW Yarn from Red Heart for dishcloths! The first thing that popped into my head was an amazing thick, lush dishcloth. The kind that is tough enough to battle a casserole dish with baked on stains, but soft enough it isn’t going to rough up your hands. Here, are the instructions on knitting a double thick chevron dishcloth.

Double thick chevron Scrubby cloth being put through it’s paces with a load of dishes
1 Ball of Red Heart Scrubby in Ocean
1 Ball Red Heart Scrubby in Grape
5mm (US 8) 16-inch circular needle
1 Tapestry Needle

Close up of those chevrons.
To make the chevron dishcloth, cast on 60 stitches with your main color. Place stitch marker and join into the round; begin working a knit 2 purl 2 rib.
This yarn is very forgiving which means, if you make any mistakes, they won’t be very noticeable. It also means it can be tough to see which stitches are purls and which are knits. I strongly recommend using stitch markers if you’re having difficulty. Make sure your stitch markers are slightly different than the one noting the beginning of the round.
Continue in the knit 2 purl 2 stitch for 6 rounds or approximately 3 cm (1 in).

Chevron pattern chart
You will begin to work the chevron chart above after the ribbing. To start, knit one round plain with your main color, seen on the chart as white. This chart will have to be worked two times in a row to cover the amount of stitches on your needle. Attach your contrasting color and follow the chart pattern.
Repeat chevron chart 4 times, knit one round plain in main color and begin a knit 2 purl 2 rib for 6 rounds; just like at the beginning! Once you’ve completed the ribbing secure the stitches with your favorite bind off technique. Weave in any ends.

Sew along the open end to close the cloth and get a nice crisp edge.
What makes this dishcloth double thick, as you may have guessed, is the fact that it’s knit in the round. To get that nice clean edge, seam the open ends where you just finished your ribbing. A simple running stitch works well.
Now you’re done! It’s so much fun knitting a double thick chevron dishcloth and quick! With Scrubby, the NEW Yarn from Red Heart, your lovely dishcloth is ready to be used!
I found this yarn and am making scratchers for dishes for all my family and friends. This yarn is very popular in our knitting and crocheting group. Since I also make many cotton dishcloths I combined the cotton yarn and the scrubby yarn and also made the dish scratchers.,
Oh yes! And RH Scrubby yarn great for making mitts to exfoliate!