Now that we’ve established our knitting status by making the Knit Basket of Yarn Ornament from yesterday’s post, here’s another very quick crafting idea for using leftover and cherished yarn.
Knitters make so many projects in a year, and some of it we keep, other things we give away, but it’s all there in a year’s worth of knitting. The clear glass ornaments I mentioned in my post about Using leftover yarn to make easy wrap ornaments can also be used for taking a little snip of your favorite yarn, now a leftover, and putting it inside.

You can use any yarn, fiber, or fabric to fill these baubles
I really like making things to commemorate all the knitting I’ve done and this is so much easier than knitting a sock yarn blanket or physically making another garment from the scraps you’ve accumulated. You only need to take one small length and put it inside the bulb and you can go on and knit your sock blanket or commemorate it in another way as well. It doesn’t matter what the yarn weight is, or what colors are beside one another. It’s a very easy way to be reminded of your knitting for the year.

This ball is filled with scraps of yarn for all the knitting I’ve done for KNITmuch throughout the past couple years!
Again, with this ornament, you can go a multitude of different ways. As I mentioned above, you can place one single strand of yarn from your knitting for the whole year inside, or you can make tiny skeins of all the Christmas knitting you did for your grandchildren, or only the projects which were important to you. If you do a lot of knitting and have a touch of OCD, you can always color coordinate your ornaments into different color families.

This ball is filled with tiny little skeins as opposed to a large number of individual strands. If you don’t knit a lot or just like this look better, it’s another option.

Whatever you choose to put in these balls you’re going to have a lovely keepsake for years to come.
All of these suggestions add interest to your tree and are lovely keep sakes that can be enjoyed year after year. I’d also suggest getting some paint markers and writing the year on them. This is the perfect project if you’re looking for a way to honor your knitting (and/or other crafts if you’re a multi-crafter).
I hope the ideas I talked about this week have helped to inspire you to craft with leftover yarn. And if you start now, you’ll be all set by the time the 2018 holiday season will upon us once more.
This is part 5 of 5 in this series.
Go back to part 4: Commemorating your knitting status with the Knit Basket of Yarn Ornament
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