Have you sorted your leftover yarns to make the easiest knitted mitten pattern ever I talked about yesterday? All week I’m going over the many ways to use up leftover yarn.
Another great ornament pattern from Red Heart is the Easy Wrap Holiday Ornaments. When I was looking through the pages of holiday ornament knitting, there were hundreds of patterns there, and all of them looked fantastic. What drew me to this one, was the ability to involve others in the process.

The product photo from the Red Heart website. This pattern is originally made with a very light material for wrapping, like lace or thread.
Much like the wrapped letters from Monday’s post, this technique includes wrapping yarn around an ornament, hence, the Easy Wrap Holiday Ornament.
This is a great way to recycle old ornaments that have lost their luster, or perhaps you’ve changed your color theme in the past couple years and the ornaments you already have are no longer matching. Since knitters are such great judges of color you can customize your own ornaments with yarn and a little bit of ribbon.

The ornament is wrapped in Soft yarn in the color Off White.
When I went looking for ornaments to cover, I was looking for clear plastic ones. Specifically because I had some other plans for them and I have three cats. If you have any fur babies, or real babies for that matter, you know how precarious it can be to put glass ornaments on your tree. Unfortunately, the only ones I could find were glass, I mentally shrugged and picked them up.
When I got home and started working on these ornaments I was shocked at how insulated the yarn makes the ornaments. I suppose it should’ve dawned on me earlier that yarn would insulate the glass from any breakage. I dropped the ornament two or three times while I was working on it and it never broke. After this happened, I got a little bit curious and started dropping it from progressively higher heights to see what would happen. I got up to a 6’ drop with no breakage. That is where my courage expired though, I didn’t actually intend to break this ornament and clean up glass.
I know the pattern says Styrofoam balls, but when I went to the craft store, the glass ornaments were actually cheaper than the Styrofoam balls. I don’t know about you, but I will always pick the less expensive option. Also, you can do a lot more with the clear ornaments than with opaque balls.

The possibilities are endless with these clear ornaments. Keep reading this week for our Friday post where I will go into more detail!
The Easy Wrap Holiday Ornament pattern calls for thread to wrap the ornaments, but yarn is the perfect medium, You can wrap it with a lot of coverage, or you can leave some space to see through. Just for the record, the one I dropped was the full coverage kind.
You’re able to leave some space in order to see the light shine through with a thinner yarn. If you wanted to get really crafty you could coat the inside with glitter glue and wrap the thinner yarn around the outside.

Here are a couple different designs you can do with yarn and plain glass ornaments.
There are so many different combinations you could do with this pattern, it can truly be unique. Your Easy Wrap Holiday Ornaments will be the talk of the next holiday party and everyone will be begging to know where you got them. Join me tomorrow for more crafting ideas.
This is part 3 of 5 in this series.
Go back to part 2: The easiest knitted mitten pattern you’ll ever encounter
Go to part 4: Commemorating your knitting status with the Knit Basket of Yarn Ornament
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