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Home » Knitting Patterns and Tutorials » Red Heart’s Scrubby yarn perfect for knitting facial scrubbies

Red Heart’s Scrubby yarn perfect for knitting facial scrubbies

by Michelle Nussey

With our efforts to make our earth ‘greener’ and use items that are earth friendly, knitting is becoming a skill we could all use. Bringing this together with Red Heart’s Scrubby makes for an extremely green initiative. I’m going to review the free pattern for a Simple Knit Dishcloth and put a new spin on it.

Photo from Red Heart website on the pattern Simple Knit Dishcloth

Photo from Red Heart website on the pattern Simple Knit Dishcloth

From the title you’ve probably guessed that we’re talking about making a scrubby for your face. I’m actually looking to replace the small round pads we use for taking off makeup. The Simple Knit Dishcloth pattern is a perfect place to start for these. You’re going to want to mix a strand of cotton yarn and a strand of scrubby together so it’s not too harsh on your face.

Two facial scrubbies with cotton and Scrubby Sparkle.

Two facial scrubbies with cotton and Scrubby Sparkle.

Depending on your preference, I would decrease the amount of stitches you’re casting on as well. I would say to cast on 8-10 in order to get the small size of the makeup pads. I know the makeup pads are round and this pattern is square, but let’s be honest, we all fold them in half to get a corner. Now there are four corners with no folding required.

This little scrubby was cast on with 8 stitches.

This little scrubby was cast on with 8 stitches.

I would use the same needle size in order to get a thicker pad, a thinner one would be a little bit more difficult to control. Mind you, a thick or thin scrubby would be a perfect exfoliating cloth to use just before you put on your nighttime moisturizer.

The Clean in Stripes Dishcloth from the pattern on Red Heart's website

The Clean in Stripes Dishcloth from the pattern on Red Heart’s website

You could also use the pattern Clean in Stripes Dishcloth, instead of different colors of yarn, you could just alternate cotton and Scrubby or Scrubby Sparkle. It’s another fabulous pattern ready to be adapted to any situation including gift giving. These small scrubbies are an excellent add-on to a gift or gift card. It’s always nice to include a tangible object especially when you’re giving a gift card for makeup.

This is part 4 of 5 in this series.
Go back to part 3:  3 tips for mixing Scrubby Yarn with other yarns
Go to part 5:  Clean Corner to Corner with Red Heart’s Scrubby yarns



Rita April 3, 2016 - 8:07 pm

Good Evening,

I just bought 1 skein Red Heart Scrubby ( the Scrubby Sparkle is not available) and I wanted to make 2 items:

1. Facial Scrubby: I cast on 8 on Size 8 needles and wanted to know how long and wide was the one in the picture? I cast on 8 st. using 1 cotton and 1 scrubby knit together.

2. Exfoliating Soap PouchWith Only Scrubby yarn: Does this work?


Michelle Nguyen April 13, 2016 - 7:00 pm

Hello Rita, thanks for reading!!
1. If you cast on 8 stitches then knit 8 rows. It should turn out to be square.
2. Absolutely! You can make the exfoliating soap pouch with only scrubby. If you want it to be thick, simply use two strands of Scrubby yarn.


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