Last month we talked about Red Heart’s With Love, in stripes. Red Heart hasn’t stopped striping it up there — Super Saver yarn also comes in stripes! We’re not talking about variegated yarn, Super Saver comes in 140 solid and variegated colors. These stripes are very similar to the ones from With Love.

Our first look at Super Saver Stripes in color Polo Stripe.
These are the long color repeats we talked about in my With Love posts in May. Super Saver Stripes is perfect for making afghans, shawls, and all manner of scarves. There are a lot of different places you can take this yarn, in a pattern manner of speaking. You must be sure you’re pairing the right pattern with the right yarn. We talked about knitting with this kind of stripey yarn last month. If you missed it, go back for a quick review.

A few of the amazing colors Red Heart has come up with for Super Saver Stripe yarn.
One of the clever things Red Heart does on their website is show small swatches of what their stripe yarn will look like when it is knit up. When you’re looking at the ball, there are a lot of colors, but they aren’t really an indication of what a finished product will look like. In the color section, there are multiple swatches showing the color repeats. You’ll be able to see what order the colors come in and how they progress from color to color. All of the Red Heart Stripes are an abrupt color change — they stripe in blocks. There are some yarns that gradate from one color to the next. Knowing these key design features could affect the pattern you’re thinking about doing. I know some people have strong preferences towards color blocks to a gradual color change. If you’re one of those people, check out the website and choose your yarn accordingly.

This color, appropriately enough, is titled Favorite Stripe! It looks like all the colors of the rainbow are in there, so I’m definitely a fan!
There are so many amazing colors of Super Saver yarn, you’ll have no shortage of colors to pair with your Stripes yarn. You’re going to be able to mix and match these colors and make some truly awe-inspiring garments. With these factors in mind, I suggest you check out Red Heart’s free pattern database to start picking out projects.
This is part 1 of 5 in this series.
Go to part 2: How to effectively work lace stitches using the Super Saver Stripes yarn
Is the super saver zebra the same as the discontinued universal black and white spirit stripes?
Not sure about that.
What fun color combinations they offer. I did have seen these in the store, but did not know about the pictures on the website showing how they will look when knitted up.